subject: Article Site Marketing Overview Covering The What And The How [print this page] Marketers entering the online market arena are treated with a host of marketing strategies. Internet marketing in itself is a strategy utilized by several forward-looking marketers to improve their advertising campaigns offline. And one of the most effective strategies used by many is article site marketing, or simple article marketing. Even small, starting online marketers use this strategy because of its efficiently and affordability.
What is Article Marketing?
Article marketing or article site marketing is basically the practice of using keyword or key-phrase oriented articles and submitting them to article websites for syndication. The main goal of this strategy is website promotion. Marketing articles online is done to capture target readers attention.
What happens after submission?
One of the most important steps in article site marketing is submission. Article writers make use of several submission sites and directories that can host their articles for free. Most, if not all, of these channels allow the articles to be indexed by the search engines. This is crucial for the article marketing to be successful because indexing means your articles will be listed in the SERP, hence become searchable.
But the process doesnt stop there. Once you submit to the directories, your articles become ready for syndication. This means that other users and readers can reuse your articles and link back to your page. The more readers reuse your articles, the better it is for your page since this directly translates to an increase in traffic an essential component on internet marketing.
How to start
Starting to market articles is easy. If youre an experienced writer trying to promote a certain type of product or service, all you have to do is to use a keyword tool to search for the most searched keyword and utilize those for your articles. Furnish articles and submit them to the property article directories for syndication.
When it comes to choosing the right directory, you must be wary of choosing the wrong ones. The best way to know if the site is any good is to test it out for a while and see if there is any progress in your website. A directory that allows for specialized content is good. Many of these article directories get significant amount of traffic from readers and they are excellent for your article site marketing efforts. You should, however, provide well-written and content-rich articles because most submission sites only allow good material.