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subject: How To Select A Criminal Lawyer [print this page]

Selecting a criminal lawyer is far different from selecting a divorce attorney or an attorney that specializes in car accidents. A criminal lawyer is someone who needs to be trusted with the task of keeping someone out of prison. After all, prison is not a place that anyone wants to go. A criminal lawyer is someone who should absolutely know what he or she is doing in order to ensure that jail is not an option. So how should someone go about selecting the best criminal lawyer?

The first step to take is to search for attorneys whose specialty is criminal law. Many lawyers have experience in several fields; however, it is probably best to look for an attorney that has criminal law as his or her specialty. After all, those who specialize in criminal law are those who will have the most experience and the most knowledge pertaining to relevant laws for the case at hand. Only the most experienced and knowledgeable attorney should be given the job.

Speaking of knowledge - that is another factor to consider when selecting a criminal lawyer. Finding out what school they got their degree from is a great idea to find out if they are well educated. Also, finding out the grades they received will give a good indication of the time and effort that was spent learning the information provided in classes. The most educated attorneys are the ones worth hiring.

Testimonials are used for a reason. They provide circumstantial evidence that the attorney in question is one who has pleased his or her past clientele. Be sure to ask for these testimonials or better yet, get references. Being able to speak to past clients will help to identify how good of a job the criminal lawyer has done in the past and will likely do again in the future.

Speaking of the past, a track record can really tell a lot about a lawyer. Someone who has stacked up an impressive number of wins over losses is someone to have on the same side. On the other hand, someone who has lost far more than has won is someone who is in need of practice on someone else. Checking the record of wins versus losses can help prevent the hiring of the wrong attorney. Indeed, those who do some research and follow these tips will undoubtedly have better luck with hiring a criminal lawyer than if otherwise.

by: Art Gib

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