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subject: GSmart MW700 - Here's a Powerful Performer With Loads of Features [print this page]

GSmart MW700 - Here's a Powerful Performer With Loads of Features

Author: Aniket Kambale
Author: Aniket Kambale

The Gigabyte MW700 is a full touchscreen phone running on Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional operating system. The phone is just 14.9 mm thick and can be held comfortably in the palm. The MW700 is powered by a Marvell PXA270 CPU at 520 MHz, has a Qualcomm modem; an internal memory of 256 MB ROM and 64 MB RAM. Browsing the internet through Wi-Fi is a great experience.

The device has few keys on the sides. On the left panel is the camera key and below it is a multi-purpose rocker, which functions as the scroll wheel, and a volume rocker. Just below the multi purpose rocker is the slot of the microSD card. On the right side of the phone is the 2.5-mm headphone port, while the bottom right houses the stylus.

The mic and a multi-purpose port for charging and data transfer are at the bottom of the phone. The front panel has a 2.8-inch wide screen. The ear piece with two LEDs is just above the screen. The left LED glows indicating the active network while the right one glows when the Bluetooth is on and while receiving message. The left LED glows red while charging.

Below the screen is a circular D-pad with six keys around it. The D-pad is a four-way navigation with the middle key acting as a shortcut for the sound recorder. On the right of the D-pad is the soft key and below it is the call key. Long press on the Window key opens a short menu for programs, profiles and brightness adjustment of the screen. On the right of the D-pad is the soft key. Below it is the end button and the direct GPS key.

The homescreen of the phone has four quick menu icons for email, setting options for sound and notifications, connectivity mode and the screen orientation icon. The screen of the Gigabyte MW700 is very responsive compared to the MW702 that features the Smart Touch II Interface. The MW700 is powered by SiRF Star III GPS that enables easy navigation and helps users find the shortest way to their destinations. The onboard GPS tracking lets users geo-tag photographs. Mapping software, which support .kmz and .gpx formats (like Google Earth) can be used. About the Author:

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