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subject: Bgs Global Hospitals Successfully Performs 3rd Liver Transplant On A Hepatitis-b +ve Patient Wit [print this page]

Bangalore May 2010: BGS Global Hospitals, Bangalore today announced one more successful liver transplant surgery, this time for a hepatitis B +ve patient who had end-stage liver disease with multiple complications. This is the third in the series of liver transplants done at this hospital.

Dr. K. Ravindranath, Chairman and Managing Director, Global Hospitals group said, We are happy that this liver transplant recipient has also got a new lease of life. The patient is ready for discharge after a 3-day stay in the Transplant ICU. Normally the hospital stay in liver transplant surgery is about 21 days. This is a medical feat for the first time in Karnataka considering the complexity of the surgery.

The 8 hour surgery was performed by a 20 member team headed by Dr. Mohamed Rela, Chief Transplant Surgeon, Global Hospitals Group. The patient was on a normal diet in just 2 days after surgery. His post operative recovery in the states largest and well equipped Transplant and Liver ICU was smooth and very fast.

Dr. N. K. Venkataramana, Vice-Chairman, BGS Global Hospitals, said, This was made possible because of excellent teamwork by experienced surgeons, hepatologists, intensivists, technicians and paramedical staff and state-of-the-art liver ICU & infrastructure at BGS Global Hospitals.

Dr. Mohamed Rela stated, About 4 to 5% of the population suffer from Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. Obesity leads to fatty liver which is extremely common and this could lead to liver disease. Liver transplantation can transform lives from desperate conditions to normal offering a potential for complete cure. The liver has an enormous capability to regenerate; we have found that even when 80% of the liver is removed, the patient can survive with just 20% of the liver. We have performed 52 liver transplants in Chennai and three in Bangalore in the past seven months and the future is promising.

The Case

Shekariah, the patient who hails from Tumkur District, had multiple problems of cirrhosis portal hypertension, hepatitis B infection and primary liver tumor.

Dr. Mohamed Rela said, Shekariah had accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, was vomiting blood, had swollen feet and mental disorientation. He was admitted to different hospitals in the last 6 months as he was very sick. He had many attacks of hepatic encephalopathy which ultimately led to end stage liver disease. He had lost all hopes of recovery and survival before he came to BGS Global.

Dr. Shawnas Bahnou, Liver Transplant Surgeon, BGS Global Hospitals added, Cirrhosis portal hypertension occurs because of liver cell failure in cases when one is Hepatitis B+ve. Transplant was the only option in his case. Without a transplant he may not have survived for more than 3 months. Owing to his critical condition, he was given preference among those registered for transplant. Shekariahs brother was willing to donate his liver [the live donor has to donate only a part of the liver and its a very safe procedure as practiced at BGS Global Hospitals]. However he was lucky to get a O+ve cadaver liver.

As the Hepatitis B virus is present in the blood, even after the transplant, the patient was given two doses of Hepatitis B immunoglobulin. A blood test for antibodies and estimating the number of virus cells will determine that he is completely free of the virus.

Dr. K. Ravindranath added, We have performed more than 100 liver transplants in our three group hospitals, Hyderabad, Chennai and Bangalore. Three of these were cadaver liver transplants performed at BGS Global Hospitals, Bangalore which includes the countrys first for metastatic liver disease. Our Group has the distinction of having undertaken the largest number of cadaver liver transplants in the country with very good outcomes on par with the best centres in the world.

To rededicate our efforts in providing cutting-edge solutions for all liver and pancreatic diseases, a dedicated Center for Cancers of the Liver & Pancreas is now operational at BGS Global Hospitals. The Center is equipped with skilled hepatologists, intensivists, liver transplant surgeons, the latest diagnostic equipment such as 64-slice CT scan, MRI & MRCP and a dedicated liver ICU with 12 beds, Transplant ICU, continuous veno-venous haemofiltration [CVVH] making it the largest in the state.

The Center is fully geared up to handle complex Hepato Pancreaticobiliary surgeries, liver resections, laparoscopic procedures, radiofrequency ablation, tumor enucleation, end-stage liver diseases and all pancreatic, gall bladder & bile duct disorders.

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by: lavipoojary

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