subject: How To Find A Repossessed Boat For Sale Near You [print this page] A Repossessed boat or simply Repo boat is one of the chances for you to get rich. Or it may also be the case that you have wanted to buy a boat for several years but cant do it. Well, boat Repos is again the choice for you. Simply understand that these boats are cheaper and yet often almost new. So the deal you can get is unbelievable. Do you want to make a great deal on your boat? Well then we probably have the answer.
What are bank repossessed boats?
Say John wants to buy a boat but doesnt have the money for it. He chooses one that costs $60,000. Now he takes a loan from the bank (or any other similar financial organization) on an agreement of 5 years and pays a down payment of $10,000. Now the loan amount is $50,000. John uses this boat for 2 years and paid his monthly interest. One day the recession broke out. John is now on a tighter economy and suddenly loses his job.
So now he can't pay his monthly payments anymore. So the bank reminds him by email, phone and mail and still he can not pay. The bank at last decides to sell the boat and catch up its money. So they put it on auction. Johns monthly payments for 2 years meant that the bank now needs $30,000 only from the boat. They dont need more money; but they do need to hurry.
So they make a short auction to buy the boat at $30,000 and say Tom buys it.
Say John loved his boat and maintained it pretty well (which is true for most cases). So what Tom gets is an almost new boat for half the price! This is what known as boat repos.
How to Find?
The problem with these auctions is it's hard to find where and when these auctions take place. Some sources where you can find the news of an auction of repossessed boats are:
Keep an eye out on your local newspaper and boat magazines.
Keep your ears open. Tell others you want to know about one. This way, you can come to know if somebody you know knows the details.
Search online. Use the Google search engine to find free websites like Boat Auctions Direct. These regularly aggregate these auction sources to help the people know.
Also look for premium websites if you are really serious. Because these websites present virtually innumerable number of choices, the money can be ignored if you are encouraged enough.
Talk to the watercraft companies. They may have auctions available.
Look for not only banks, but also other similar entities like credit unions, dealers, and distressed owners etc.
Buying repossessed boats may be a good choice because of the potential they offer to let you buy good-quality cheap bank repossessed boats easily.
by: Ron Stanton
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