subject: Car Insurance After A Dui [print this page] Many factors have an affect on your automobile insurance, including age, marital status, gender, history of accidents or violations, criminal background, credit report, and more. One of the most critical is your traffic history, as this can define whether you get a great rate or are doomed to paying a large portion of your paycheck to insure your vehicle. If you have a DUI (driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol) conviction, you may even have to add SR-22 coverage to your policy.
Car insurance rates after a DUI can be outrageous, and you may quickly find that the decision to drive while impaired can cost you far more than you had initially imagined. The reason for the rate hike is simple: you are a bigger liability than the average driver with the DUI on your record. The riskier it is to insure your vehicle, the more it will cost to have even the state-minimum coverage, let alone full coverage. Full coverage rates can be so high that you cannot afford them at all, and if you are leasing the vehicle or still have a loan payment to make, you cannot drop the full coverage. If you cannot afford the insurance, you may have to get a different vehicle so you can drop the full coverage.
Most popular insurance providers charge significantly more to insure a vehicle with a driver who has a history of driving under the influence. Regardless of what state you live in, you will learn that the rate is not much different when you factor in the conviction, and the rate is unlikely to look any better until/unless the DUI falls off of your record. This can take years, and not all states allow the DUI to ever fall off your driving record.
The majority of insurance providers will only consider those DUI convictions within the past three years, but some go as far back as ten years. This means that you will be paying the higher price for a minimum of three years in those states, and ten years in others. Since the average cost of car insurance with even one DUI on your record is nearly $1,500 per year, this can really add up to some serious paycheck dents in the long run.
As you can see, it is important to hire an attorney as early as possible if you are arrested for driving under the influence. An experienced DUI attorney will help you build a more effective defense, and work to eliminate the possibility of SR-22 coverage or a DUI conviction on your criminal background, saving you a lot of money. Since it can also help you avoid having to turn in your car for a less expensive one to insure, it can also save you a lot of hassle and heartbreak as well.
This information is provided solely for informational purposes and does not constitute legal advice.
by: William Bly
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