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subject: Should You Settle For Cheap Van Insurance? [print this page]

Many people tend to view the word 'cheap' in a negative light, but of course this is perfectly understandable because many cheap products are of an inferior quality. With that said, the same doesn't necessarily apply to insurance policies.

In fact, the word 'cheap' is often used simply to attract potential customers. You also often see insurance companies advertising their products as being affordable, or even low cost. One could however argue that cheap van insurance won't provide you with all the cover you need, but what we need to bear in mind is that it's all about comparisons.

In other words, it would be wrong to say that 'third party, fire and theft' insurance is cheap, while 'fully comprehensive' cover is expensive. After all, the one level of cover provides consumers with far more protection than the other. Instead, we need to compare equivalent types of cover in order to determine what is cheap and what isn't.

If one provider offers you third party, fire and theft cover for less than another company, you could then say they were offering you cheap van insurance. Basically, it all boils down to how much protection you require. Of course, as a business owner, your van probably plays a huge role in your business, and as such, you'll more than likely want to know you're covered against any conceivable mishap.

If your van is involved in an accident, and it needs to go in for repairs, you really can't afford to let your business come to a standstill until you get your van back. Instead, you need an insurance policy which will see to it you have the use of a courtesy vehicle. If you incur any loss of earnings because of the accident, you' need to know you'll be compensated.

If on the other hand your van gets stolen, you want to know your insurance company will replace it swiftly, rather than beating around the bush for weeks on end. If you had expensive tools and equipment in your van at the time, you'll also want to know you can replace them, so of course this sort of thing also needs to be included in your policy.

Your insurance policy should also include adequate liability cover because as a business owner, you're always at risk of being sued should a member of the public get injured in an accident, in which your van was involved. In fact, suing companies has become just as fashionable in the UK as it is in the United States. One only needs to look at all the law firms offering a 'no win, no fee' service nowadays in order to see its big business.

Irrespective of the type of cover you want, cheap van insurance is readily available, particularly if you're able to meet certain criteria. If you can satisfy the insurance company that your van isn't an easy target for thieves, you'll automatically get to enjoy reduced rates. In that respect, make sure your van has an approved alarm system fitted, and make sure it gets stored in a secure location when not in use. You also need to make sure you, or any other driver of the vehicle, maintains a clean driving record. Lastly, don't be tempted to submit claims unless it's absolutely necessary. Providing you don't claim, you can save a great deal of money by maintaining a good no-claims bonus.

by: Tom Jones

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