subject: Simple Things To Build A Sense Of Discipline To Your Kids [print this page] With the kids almost out of school, it may be time to do some general house cleaning in your home. Getting your kids to help out teaches them many things. The concepts of cleanliness and orderliness are embedded to them with such activity.
Knowing that you have to work hard to gain something is also a life lesson that you want to teach your kids when you ask them to help clean your home. Even the act of having them clean their room will inculcate this virtue though i am sure that the initial reactions to this would be avoidance and perhaps even defiance. But by keeping firm with your orders to your kids, they will eventually learn something which they can impart to their family in the future.
Our values and morals are primarily formed by our parents. There may be some chores which younger kids cannot do like checking for mice infestation, but the small things like keeping your room clean, or placing your dirty clothes in the hamper do build up to a sense of discipline which they can build upon.
Regarding mice infestation, this activity can be detected by you and if found out, you can either take care of the problem yourself through non lethal mice traps or call an expert to take care of this mice infestation problem. Here are some of the things that you can teach your kids to do which they can build upon:
- Clean before sleeping. You can teach your kids to wash up, take a bath or a shower before they go to bed. Sleeping clean and all washed up teaches them how important being sanitary is and how cleaning up before going to sleep is a good habit to pursue. Added to this is reminding them to brush their teeth before going to bed. A great habit to learn and keep for kids, brushing their teeth enables them to have healthy gums and teeth. With good dentures, one does grow to become confident and pleasing in appearance.
- Make your bed after you wake up. The practice of making one's bed in the morning is another good habit to have. It may be difficult at first for smaller kids but you can help them do it till they are able to do it by themselves. There will be less monitoring them for this activity as they get older, and this positive action which they take shows a discipline attained, something they can teach their own families in the future.
by: Steven Magill
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