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subject: Back to the Future: The Wooden Sash Window and Modern Housing Design [print this page]

Back to the Future: The Wooden Sash Window and Modern Housing Design

The greatest trick of all performed by the new wonder window, though, is its removability. The frame is designed to be installed in existing window holes as well as newly made ones a builder can simply detach the whole of the old window and lever the new one in, in its place. A modern wooden sash window can apparently be fitted even in the walls of a room that has been fully decorated, without leaving any interior indication that work is being, or has been, done. Furthermore, the wooden sash has completely removable panes which mean that cleaning is a simple clunk clip operation. A home owner just reaches in for the special catch inside the frame, detaches, and the whole thing comes right out of its socket. It's ideal beautiful, versatile and completely modern. Welcome back, wooden sash window.

Back to the Future: The Wooden Sash Window and Modern Housing Design

By: Marvin Architectural

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