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Rob Ward PwC - Global Managing Partner for PwC Worldwide

Rob Ward, PwC has worked with PwC Australia for more than 36 years and he has held several important positions in the company. An experienced auditor and accounting professional, Rob Ward PwC has great expertise in the national and international corporate governance and financial reporting. Rob Ward PwC has also helped Board and Non Executive Directors (NEDs) with advice on various aspects of financial management.

Because of his extensive experience in the field of accounting and auditing, Rob Ward PwC is a respected figure in the auditing industry. He is known for his valuable business judgment and foresight for financial trends in the market. Rob Ward also guided policy formation for leading national and global regulators and policy makers on a national and international level. He has also coached and mentored senior executives and professionals on topics like corporate governance, auditing, international accounting (IFRS) and finance. With clients at both local and global level, Rob Ward PwC has helped in building highly profitable businesses that were based on a sound understanding of the values and culture of the business organizations.

Rob Ward PwC also worked as Worldwide Global Managing Partner for PwC audit practice that comprised of 78000 people in 148 countries. Rob Ward also helped in bringing about several change programs to audit profession worldwide after the collapse of Enron and other corporate giants. Rob Ward, PwC has more than three decades of working experience in the accounting industry and he has held several prominent positions in PwC, (PricewaterhouseCoopers) the largest professional services firm in the world. Find out more about Rob Ward, PwC by browsing through

Rob Ward PwC - Global Managing Partner for PwC Worldwide

By: Bill Schneider

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