subject: Different Kinds of Treatments for Bedbug Bites [print this page] Most people suffer from red itchy bites as soon as they get out of bed in the morning. Well, there are chances that you might have been bitten by bedbugs. Bedbugs fall into the family of bugs known as "Cimicidaes". These creatures would survive on the blood of human beings or other mammals. All the bugs that fall under this group appear reddish-brown in colour and the females are usually larger than the males.
The female bedbugs would lay their eggs in the cracks or crevices found in the furniture or walls. Basically, they can successfully find a place to hideout and are usually active at night. The eggs laid by the female bugs would hatch in about 4-5 days, hence completing a never-ending cycle of reproduction.
In the recent times, loads of people are being affected by bedbugs all across the world. Over the course of time, these bugs have become resistant to pesticides or other chemical treatments and hence are increasing in numbers at a faster pace. On the other hand, bedbug bites are difficult to identify, since they could be easily misunderstood for other skin conditions. Bedbug bites cannot be realised immediately since these bugs have anaesthetic sucking properties. Therefore most people who are allergic to these anaesthetics would find red bumps or welts on the place of the bite. In several cases, there would be no visible bites. Therefore, it becomes difficult to recognise and eliminate the infestation. These bugs are attracted to the body heat as well as the amount of carbon dioxide and hence are usually active at night.
Different Kinds of Treatments for Bedbug Bites
By: Jesse Ryan
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