subject: Allergy Treatment: How To Survive Arizona Allergies [print this page] Every year, thousands of individuals move to the state of Arizona searching for warm weather and better health but end up suffering from severe allergies and needing allergy treatment. Even individuals who never had allergies before may be struck with a runny nose, scratchy throat or itchy eyes and require allergy treatment due to the high amounts of pollen, dust and other allergens.
Pollen: Roughly 35 percent of individuals living in the Phoenix metro area suffer from allergies or hay fever. Most people have seen bees and birds pulling pollen out of trees and flowers, especially early in spring. However, it is not generally pollen from bright flowers that will trigger allergies because the bees and birds have already removed it. The biggest allergy threat lies in the weeds, trees and ragweed. These are allergens that most allergy treatments combat most effectively.
Ragweed is the most common allergy-causing plant in the United States and the Valley of the Sun has over a dozen native species.
The following allergy treatments will help reduce the hardships that pollen may cause. Arizonians can put a desert landscape as opposed to grass in their yard to help control their allergies. If you do have a grass lawn, make sure to wear a mask when you are mowing your lawn. Also, be sure to remove the weeds growing in your yard as soon as they are spotted or apply a pre-emergent.
If pollen and plants are what you are allergic to, staying indoors when pollen levels are high is an effective measure or allergy treatment. Individuals should also close doors and shut windows around the house when pollen levels are high. Pollen levels peak during mid-day, so individuals who suffer from pollen allergens should avoid the outdoors if possible during this time.
Dust: For the most part, Phoenix is a very dry city. With out rain to keep the dust and dirt settled, a slight breeze can pick up dust and dirt and move it throughout the air and trigger allergies. The high amounts of construction, whether home building or highway expansion, also contribute to the high amount of dust in the air.
Dust mites eat microscopic skin dander found on humans and animals and then leave their droppings. If an individual inhales a dust mite, they may have an allergic reaction. However, the good news is that dust mites thrive in humid areas, which Phoenix is not.
The following allergy treatments will help prevent allergies caused by dust. There is not really a peak time for dust. So if you suffer severely from dust allergens the best allergy treatment is to where a mask when working outdoors or simply avoid dust ridden areas such as open stretches of desert.
Pollution: Pollution can lead to runny nose, eye irritation, scratchy throat, shortness of breath or coughing. Individuals with respiratory problems are those who are most susceptible. The growing population as well as more cars, fumes and pollution in general create more problems with our air. There are not many effective allergy treatments for pollution.
Nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and ozone particulates are amongst the most common in the Valley. Cars are the major cause for many of these pollutants. The following allergy treatments will help individuals who battle with pollutant allergies. When high pollution advisories are issued, be sure to limit your time outdoors, avoid using your leaf blower and wood burning stoves.
Pollen, dust and pollution are the most common allergens in Arizona. If you happen to suffer from these allergies, there are a number of effective allergy treatment measures that you can take to help decrease the severity of these allergies. These include avoiding the source of these allergens, avoiding the outdoors during peak periods and keeping these allergens out of your house. There are also numerous alternative medicine options that can help treat allergies or completely eliminate them.
by: Sara Penton
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