subject: "directory Of Middle East & North African Libraries 2009/2010" Added In Visionshopsters [print this page] This first edition of the Directory of Middle East & North African Libraries 2009/2010 provides essential details on all libraries in the Middle East including universities, public and special libraries and including the libraries of institutes and research centres.
Meticulously researched this new edition provides the most up-to-date information available and, to ensure accuracy and reliability, information is provided by the libraries and institutions concerned.
Key Features:
* Provides extensive details on libraries of Middle East and North African universities, public and special libraries and includes the libraries of attached institutes and research centres.
* Entries list full contact details, including e-mail and internet addresses, and names of chief librarians and other relevant staff.
* Metriculously researched to provide the most up-to-date information.
* Provides information on hundreds of libraries.
Entries list full contact details, including e-mail and internet addresses, and names of chief librarians and other relevant staff.
Other invaluable information includes: area of specialisation, opening hours, the size and composition of library holdings, oneline subscriptions and details of the libraries own publications.
Fully indexed for easy location of university, public and special libraries.
Countries covered includes: Countries included are: Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirated and Yemen.
Directory of Middle East & North African Libraries 2009/2010 will be of special interest to public and academic libraries, international organisations, embassies, businesses, the media, scientific and professional bodies and anyone with an interest in the Middle East.
For up-to-date information on Middle East and North African libraries, Directory of Middle East & North African Libraries 2009/2010 is a must!
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