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subject: Interior Design as an Academic Discipline and Occupation [print this page]

Interior Design as an Academic Discipline and Occupation

Interior Design as an Academic Discipline Interior design is a kind of an academic discipline which studies a great variety of things starting from art theory, composition bases and ending with architecture, electronic and supply services. Interior designers combine artistic and practical solutions in one structure in order to create a necessary interior. Planning a design is a creative act; successful realization of an idea requires professional experience, fine aesthetical taste, and laborious task. Interior designers are busy in the sphere of projecting cottages, apartments, penthouses, offices and specialized shops interiors and always expand their field of action. Design of Furniture and Interior Shop Planning a design of a specialized shop, for example, one, which sells furniture interiors, a designer should take into consideration that this is a specific, unconventional sphere for a decorator. Uncommonness of such interiors is that such interior is not a living room; the main aim is to create a home atmosphere and at the same time to exhibit furniture and accessories. A customer should have an opportunity to value each of goods in a domestic surrounding. One shop usually offers different interiors, such as dinning and drawing rooms, bedrooms, private offices and other interior designs. Each of them is unique and planned exclusively for a customer. The Process of Interior Designers Work Interior designers' work starts from a style choice and concept development. Designers prepare drawings and plans, and fulfill a project in aquarelle or three-dimensional modeling. Also they choose accessories, such as clothes, carpets and rugs, sculptures, pictures, vases, plants, etc. Interior design reflects the inner world and character of people who choose to live in this or that interior. Harmony is the main basis of style philosophy. Interior design creates special atmosphere and mood. Usually designers work in team with artists and repair-and-renewal gangs.

Interior Design as an Academic Discipline and Occupation

By: Michael

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