subject: Bankruptcy Protection Offered Through Disability Insurance [print this page] There are none of us that can actually say that we have envisioned bankruptcy as a part of our financial future. While we may not necessarily have expectations of living in a grandiose style, we certainly don't envision a life where we are in such poor financial shape that bankruptcy is our only alternative. But the reality is that millions of people find themselves in exactly this situation every year - forced there by circumstances that they simply did not anticipate and for which they were not prepared.
In fact, bankruptcy can often be the indirect result of a disability. Those who are facing illness or injury and are unable to return to their job are suddenly without a paycheck. With household bills mounting - in addition to the hefty medical bills that many face - those who are disabled suddenly find that they are facing another repercussion of their circumstances - and it's financial.
A well chosen disability insurance plan, however, can protect consumers against the financial ramifications of a disability - protecting their assets and giving them a supplemental income during their disability.
Subsequently many consumers have discovered the importance of having solid disability insurance plans; just as important as comprehensive health insurance policies or life insurance policies. Disability insurance can be purchased based on the policyholder's unique needs as well as the budget they have for payment of premiums. The challenge becomes purchasing enough disability insurance to cover a policyholder should they face an illness or injury and suddenly lose their paycheck within the confines of what they are able to afford in premiums. Working with a reputable insurance company will allow policyholders to find the disability insurance plans that work best for them in terms of provisions and affordability.
With a disability income insurance plan in place, however, a policyholder can have the peace of mind of knowing they - and their family - are well protected from disability related bankruptcy.
by: Holly Mckenzie
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