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subject: Galanz Microwave Oven Too Far Behind The Global Distribution Of The "second" [print this page]

Have to have a say in the market, with current prices Glanz era to win market share, industry position, especially in support of consumers and brand influence, Galanz is leading the industry into a new microwave process: through technological innovation and management innovation, leading the peer out of the profits of depression, leading the user to enjoy high-end appliance era. As Galanz Group CEO Liang Zhaoxian said, in the new period, Galanz three major important tasks: first, to no access to consumers to spend microwave oven; second, so now spend a microwave oven consumers can make good use of microwave ovens; Thirdly, Galanz brand reflects more social value.

Galanz Microwave Oven Too Far Behind The Global Distribution Of The "second"

By: qoqo

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