subject: Pennsylvania Required Insurance [print this page] If you own a motor vehicle registered in the State of Pennsylvania then you are required to purchase and maintain auto insurance. There are many different types of coverage available to fit your needs. However, basic coverage is mandatory, meaning you have no option other than to purchase and maintain certain types of coverage to be in compliance with the law.
Should you allow your auto insurance to lapse or for any other reason are driving a motor vehicle without the Pennsylvania required insurance, you can two kinds of suspension. Your vehicle's registration can be suspended for three months, and your driver's license can be suspended for three months. You may also be subject to a minimum $300 fine for not carrying the Pennsylvania required insurance.
Once you've complied with the law after a suspension, there are other fines levied in order to re-establish your vehicle registration and renew your license.
However, if your insurance does lapse, if you surrender your vehicle's registration, plates, and sticker within 30 days of the lapse, you can avoid the penalties. The same is true when you vehicle is inoperable for any reason. You must surrender your plates and sticker or face the suspension and fines.
Below are the minimum Pennsylvania required insurance coverages:
You must carry liability insurance. Liability insurance consists of bodily injury protection and property damage liability. If you own a registered vehicle you must purchase at least $15,000 of coverage for one person, $30,000 of coverage for injuries and medical bills, and $5,000 of coverage for property damage. Higher limits are available and are recommended if you have a lot of personal assets.
You must also carry a medical benefits policy. The coverage requirement is $5,000. It doesn't matter which party is at-fault in an accident, this type of coverage will pay your medical bills and anyone else's medical bills who is on your policy. Just like with the above liability coverage, purchasing higher amounts of coverage is up to you.
Drivers in Pennsylvania must choose full-tort coverage or limited-tort coverage. Limited tort coverage is a little cheaper than full-tort, but it comes with certain limitations for recovering damages should you make a claim. Investigate the difference between these two types of coverage thoroughly before you decide to purchase.
That is the extent of Pennsylvania required insurance. There are several other types and amounts of coverage that drivers may choose to best suit their needs. Two of the more commonly purchased options are collision/comprehensive and uninsured motorist coverage.
Collision/comprehensive will pay for the repair costs to your vehicle for situations out of your control, such as theft, vandalism, and damage from the weather. Uninsured motorist coverage will pay your injury expenses if the at-fault party in a traffic crash has no insurance or does not have enough insurance coverage to pay for all of your medical expenses.
If you have other questions, seek the advice of a licenses Pennsylvania auto insurance agent or consult with the Pennsylvania Insurance Department
Pennsylvania Required Insurance
By: Dan Williams
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