subject: Personal Virtual Assistant [print this page] My name is John Hasson, I live in America and have used outsourcing for nearly two years at the time of writing this. I have talked with many people about outsourcingmany friends who tried it but it didnt work out or they are just afraid to take that first step. Ive been there. I was so nervous when I first started assigning task to Mario (he was the first person in the Philippines I started outsourcing projects to). What if he stole my ideas I worried. What if this! What if that! I was very slow in giving him responsibility. Over time we learned to trust each other (I think it was more me then him).
It has been a learning process for me. I have learned quite a bit about what it takes to successfully work with someone overseas. I still have not met Mario face to face. The biggest part was me learning to trust him to work hardwhich he does. Ive learned that he likes mindless repetitive tasks just as much as I do (not alot) . So for anything that is just submitting things over and over and over we use other companies that specialize in just that one task. Sure your worker can do it and will. But their time is much better spent using their minds then just submitting links all day if you ask them to do link submitting all day, they will; Ive found that you are selling yourself a little short when you dont use people to their fullest potential. These guys are sharp. Their English may not be as good as yours (well it might be), but their skills and ability to learn and grow are just the same as you or me. I have since hired more, and I got an idea
Ive always wanted to do something that helped people and wasnt just about making money. (Dont get me wrong, we are in this to make money) But this is something we can do that helps people too. The guys in the Philippines are able to get a great job and work from home (in many cases) and have opportunities that they wouldnt normally have. You are able to offload some of your daily grind tasks that you simply dont have time foror things you just dont want to mess with. Your quality of life improves and you can grow your business. Their quality of life improves because they can now have a steady job. Everybody wins.
The 5 minute screenshots are there for two reasons. One is so that you can check in and make sure they arent doing your tasks wrongor picking an ugly color for your design; and Two, so that you can feel confident that you arent being ripped off. On top of this each worker has an US phone number that you can call to talk to them and you can share their desktop or share yours with them. All this is included in the starting price.
Isnt $500/month really low? Yes it kinda is. This is for someone fresh who may not have had as much training. If you dont mind training them on your assignments this is the best option for you. However if you want someone who already knows PHP or C# or Wordpress, etc Then we will train them up first before you get them. They will cost you moreIt depends on what you need. If you talk to me on the phone I will usually try to convince you to go for someone fresh. They are just as capable, and you will have to train them on your specific way of doing things anyways it is usually a better value doing it this way.
So thats it in a nutshell. We want to help you grow and learn how to work with these guys overseas, and we want the people overseas to be able to learn and grow with you. We are in this for the long term. We want you (and us) to succeed.
John Hasson
by: sandz1214
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