subject: Pros And Cons Of Finding Mlm Opportunity Seeker Business Leads [print this page] Getting good leads is one of the biggest challenges for opportunity seekers in building an online Internet marketing business.
There are many sites available that offer leads. However it can be confusing trying to figure out where to start. What works best? Who can you trust? Which are the most effective?
You can consider buying opportunity seeker leads or those known as genealogy leads. List brokers are a possibility as is investing in an ad campaign and finding your own leads.
However before you get started with anything it's best to do a little research, perhaps by contacting those who have already had some success. What follows is some abbreviated advice from those who have been there.
Genealogy leads are those of people who have some previous network marketing experience. They are still in a data base and many of these leads have incorrect information.
The names and email addresses may not be accurate and phone numbers old. In fact the leads may be very old and may be of people who really did little or nothing with internet marketing.
In other words you are taking a risk with these. It may take hundreds of leads to just find a few who have a genuine interest in yours or any internet business.
Opportunity leads come with a different set of challenges. To have luck with these you will need to take the time to call them and utilize relationship building skills you have. It is possible to get leads this way but will probably take time and skills to do so.
First you may spend anywhere from $2 to $10 per lead. Not bad if they were guaranteed but they're not. Many of these really have very little interest in network marketing.
Many opportunity seekers would prefer a job as opposed to building a business. They may need a little extra to pay bills, or they may be broke.
You may be able to show them how they can make money quickly with your program sentence if you can effectively get a phone conversation going. Hopefully they won't have to spend much- if any- money to get started.
You may have to realize it will take effort and time to get quality leads. If you're in your business for the long haul that should be your attitude anyway.
Perhaps create your own website offering your own tips on how to create income from home. Then work at getting visitors to that site.
You will then begin to build your own data base. You will also begin to develop a relationship with your readers- and this is the key
by: Louis Martel
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