subject: A Highly Potent Killer Asbestos Mesothelioma [print this page] The major culprit that causes the dangerous kind of cancer, mesothelioma, is the asbestos. Majority of the mesothelioma scenarios documented have a background record of exposure to asbestos behind them. Then likewise, situations have been recorded rarely of this cancer where there was no involvement of asbestos particles. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral which can be segregated into fine threads. It is commonly used in industries for instance manufacturing cement, brake linings, roof shingles, flooring products, textiles and insulation. Numerous hapless employees have become sufferers of asbestos mesothelioma due to the wide usage of the mineral.
The tiny asbestos particles drift in the air during the manufacturing process. Unwittingly, the laborers inhale or swallow these particles giving increase so severe health situations. It is discovered that asbestos exposure and smoking enhance the danger of contracting cancer of the air passageways in the lung. Many American employees have become hapless patients of the material since the early'40s. They include shipyard employees, people who are working in asbestos mines along with mills, construction companies etc.
The risk of asbestos related disease increases with heavier and longer exposure to asbestos. At this point it should also be remembered that while several who have had maximum exposure to asbestos were spared, there are a few unfortunate ones who contracted asbestos mesothelioma though they were exposed to the minimum. Since the late'00s, asbestos has been mined along with set to commercial use. The hazards were unknown to the well-known public in the initial days. After establishing the connection between the cancer and asbestos, many laws have come into existence for the betterment of the workers. One such measure is setting limits for acceptable levels of asbestos exposure in workplace.
Family members are not spared by the malicious cancer. Asbestos particles stick to the hair and clothing of employees thereby exposing the relatives also to them. So as to avoid this, regulations have been developed for the employees to have a bath along with modify of cloth prior to heading home.
Prognosis of asbestos mesothelioma is a difficult process since the signs appear very late. The similarity of the conditions with those of other diseases likewise makes the correct diagnosis more or less impossible. Medical technology has advanced greatly giving new hope to the patients along with their loved ones. But a full cure still remains a distant dream.
by: Joe Harrell.
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