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subject: Know the most important aspects of Web Designing [print this page]

Know the most important aspects of Web Designing

While thinking of font size on your web page, write only in browser compatible fonts, because what looks well in your browser may not look the same in your customer's browser. Simple and clean website with little color and many white space can be a good site. Graphics should be few. The navigation system should consist of Left-side menu, Site search in the top corner, Major categories in the dark color bar ,Services, shopping in grey blocks , Recent releases. Photos can be effective on business websites. Awesome photos can add a touch of class to your web pages. Commercial web sites are built from templates. You must build a template that builds each part of typical webpage with a hole at the centre for content. You can create page after page from the template.

Know the most important aspects of Web Designing

By: cainfotech

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