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subject: Tempe Arizona DUI Lawyer - DUI Lawyer Tempe Arizona -Phoenix DUI [print this page]

DUI prosecutions arise even when the person is not in their car when police arrive. A common scenario I have seen is after a car accident, people leaving their cars and then later, after the police arrive, admitting to the police they were driving. In many cases, the police did not have probable cause to make a DUI arrest until the suspect started offering information to the police and then admitted they had been driving. It is surprising and unfortunate to see people incriminate themselves this way.

Again, the good news is that if you have a case like this, you might be able to beat your DUI. You might have a winnable case, but you definitely have a case that should be fought - and fought hard by an attorney who knows how to do it. There are many legal nuances that come into play in these types of cases. Therefore, in these situations, I always recommend you get the assistance of an experienced DUI lawyer.

Tempe Arizona DUI Lawyer - DUI Lawyer Tempe Arizona -Phoenix DUI

By: Theodore Agnick

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