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subject: Global Top 10 Chemical Companies Industry, Financial And Swot Analysis [print this page]


This report analyzes the global chemicals market in terms of market size (taken at producer selling price (PSP), key drivers and resistors, trends and competitive positioning. It includes profiles of the top ten companies in the industry along with 5-year financial analysis and in-depth SWOT analysis.


*Performance of the global chemicals market on the basis of sales, volume and respective growth patterns over the past five years

*Obtain descriptive profiles of the top ten leading players including strategic initiatives undertaken in the last 12 months

*Analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the top 10 chemicals companies along with business overview and financials

*Benchmark the performance of the top 10 players for the past five years; includes revenue comparison, profitability analysis, industry-specific ratios


The global chemicals market generated total revenues of $2,334.3 billion in 2007, representing a CAGR of 6.6% for the period spanning 200307.

Base chemical sales proved the most lucrative for the global chemicals market in 2007, generating total revenues of $917.4 billion, equivalent to 39.3% of the market's overall value.

The performance of the market is forecast to slightly decelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 5.2% for the five-year period 200712, which is expected to drive the market to a value of $3,007.9 billion by the end of 2012.

Reasons to Purchase

*Save time, money and resources on analyzing the top 10 chemicals companies using this report

*Analyze the global chemicals market with key industry metrics including market value, market volume, and growth forecasts

*Assess the intensity of competition based on the 5-forces model including degree of rivalry, substitutes, new entrants, buyer power and supplier power

Table of Contents :


Executive Summary 5

Industry analysis 5

Industry definition 5

Research highlights 5

Market Value 6

Market Segmentation-Product 7

Market Segmentation-Geography 8

Five Forces Analysis 9

Summary 9

Buyer power 10

Supplier power 11

New entrants 12

Substitutes 14

Rivalry 15

Top 10 Companies Landscape 16

Top 10 Companies Landscape 16


The Dow Chemical Company 18

LyondellBasell Industries AF S.C.A. 18

Bayer AG 18

Saudi Basic Industries Corporation 18

E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company 18

Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation 19

Akzo Nobel N.V. 19

Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. 19

PPG Industries, Inc. 19

Revenue analysis 20

Financial performance analysis 22

Operating profit analysis 23

Net profit analysis 24

Ratio analysis 25

Current ratio 25

Return on assets (ROA) 25

Debt/equity ratio (D/E ratio) 25

Inventory turnover ratio 26

Company Reports 27


Company overview 27

Business description 27

SWOT analysis 29

Strengths 29

Weaknesses 30

Opportunities 31

Threats 33

Recent developments 33

The Dow Chemical Company 37

Company overview 37

Business description 37

SWOT analysis 40

Strengths 40

Weaknesses 41

Opportunities 42

Threats 43

Recent developments 43

LyondellBasell Industries AF S.C.A. 46

Company overview 46

Business description 46

SWOT analysis 47

Strengths 47

Weaknesses 49

Opportunities 50

Threats 51

Recent developments 53

Bayer AG 54

Company overview 54

Business description 54

SWOT analysis 56

Strengths 56

Weaknesses 57

Opportunities 58

Threats 59

Recent developments 60

Saudi Basic Industries Corporation 63

Company overview 63

Business description 63

SWOT analysis 64

Strengths 64

Weaknesses 65

Opportunities 66

Threats 67

Recent developments 68

E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company 69

Company overview 69

Business description 69

SWOT analysis 71

Strengths 71

Weaknesses 72

Opportunities 73

Threats 74

Recent developments 75

Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation 78

Company overview 78

Business description 78

SWOT analysis 79

Strengths 79

Weaknesses 80

Opportunities 81

Threats 82

Recent developments 83

Akzo Nobel N.V. 84

Company overview 84

Business description 84

SWOT analysis 86

Strengths 86

Weaknesses 88

Opportunities 88

Threats 90

Recent developments 91

Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. 93

Company Overview 93

Business description 93

SWOT analysis 95

Strengths 95

Weaknesses 96

Opportunities 97

Threats 97

Recent developments 98

PPG Industries, Inc. 99

Company overview 99

Business description 99

SWOT analysis 100

Strengths 100

Weaknesses 102

Opportunities 103

Threats 104

Recent developments 105

Financial Analysis 107


The Dow Chemical Company 110

LyondellBasell Industries AF S.C.A. 113

Bayer AG 116

Saudi Basic Industries Corporation 119

E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company 122

Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation 125

Akzo Nobel N.V. 128

Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. 131

PPG Industries, Inc. 134


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by: Aarkstore Enterprise

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