subject: Aid is charity...Trade is help with dignity [print this page] Aid is charity...Trade is help with dignityAid is charity...Trade is help with dignity.
Aid is a temporary or make shift help out for economic uplift .I feel it reflects in a way as charity. It is fine to donate in the aftermath of man made calamity (war) or those caused by nature. But not as a means for economic long term sustainable uplift measures..
The above stated is the description of pure humanitarian type of aid.But there is another form of aid which is government to government under the garb of aid and is unfortunately the policy in vogue between Pakistani and donor governments..It is actually based on the principle of "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.This type of aid is usually non-transparent a simple Government to Government pleasing.Hardly the fruits of such type of a deal reach the masses or result in any worthy development in the country It doesn't really help much to win hearts and mind of the people at grassroots.Till such time the fruit do not reach them ,no gain in this respect can be expected!
In such tight situations it adds fuel to corruption, due to budgetary constraints in any economically starved country, then any thing meaningful. Moreover this gracious gesture of the donor apparently after a short span of time deems to be forgotten by the donees or recipients. Thus it can never prove be a reason for long lasting friendly relationship between the recipient and the donor. The old adage "Feeding fish to a starving man for a day would only kill his hunger for that period of time, instead provide the gear and teach him how to catch fish himself. This would ensure that he will be able to sustain on his own.
The best solution would be that the developed countries/superpower should make trade concession with extended opportunity for more quotas to underdeveloped and developing countries. Aid is acceptable and welcome in times of natural or man made disasters (Wars) and calamity that befall!
Pakistan knows how to fish all it requires is the pond where the fish are! Provide trade avenues into US and EU for Pakistani businessmen and traders. Instead of the financial assistance, encourage American entrepreneurs to invest in Pakistan. There are over 200 international companies successfully doing business in Pakistan and earning handsome returns.
The oil and gas sector in Pakistan offers huge potential for US oil, and gas exploration companies. At present there is no US based company in this sector. They should be encouraged to invest and reap profits and help Pakistan as well to explore its natural mineral resources which are lying untapped in huge amounts. Their presence will definitely encourage others to invest in Pakistan as well. Help Pakistan build an investment climate. Grant more quotas for their product for export to US and EU.
If the US sincerely wishes to help Pakistan then it should not put snags with regards to the help Pakistan is likely to receive from other quarters, like for instance the Iran gas pipeline and the Chinese civil nuclear reactor projects. Both these projects combined are the most important need of Pakistan energy requirements. The ground reality is that it is currently facing the worst energy crisis in the 63 years of its inception, leading to industrial closures and causing miseries to the people at all walks of life.
To conclude ,it is very clear that Pakistan is more deserving for assistance in the form of receiving trade and business incentives, opportunities and investments by the US and EU as compared to the self-proclaimed to be emerging super power neighbor, India.
Aid is charity...Trade is help with dignity
By: Mushtaq Ahmad Sethi
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