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subject: Dementium 2 Review: Raising the Bar on DS First Person Shooters [print this page]

Music: 8.5 / 10.0
Music: 8.5 / 10.0

The music in Dementium 2 is haunting and well presented. At times during the video game, the music serves to contribute to the sound effects of the monsters and shrill laughs that seem to come from nowhere. The Renegade Kid development team obviously recognized the minimalist aspects of music in horror games and applied it correctly to that it contributes to the game play but does not detract from the overall experience.

Replay Value: 6.0 / 10.0

Well, the game is relatively short - even for a Nintendo D.S. game. You can play the game again in survival mode if you want to get more game for your money. At only $30.00 MSRP, it is easy to do so. However, you are unlikely to play through Dementium 2 more than a couple times and then turn it in for a new game.

Overall Rating: 8.0 / 10.0

Dementium 2 is a solid addition to the D.S. library and accomplishes exactly what it set out to do when it was developed - provide a short and sweet distraction for system owners. However, the game could have been a bit longer or added some post game extras to keep you busy for a while. As with most D.S. action games, it only helps the replay value to add some punchy missions that you can enjoy in short bursts for weeks to come. However, if you're looking for a genuinely creepy game that you can pop into your D.S., Dementium 2 is a solid purchase.

Dementium 2 Review: Raising the Bar on DS First Person Shooters

By: gamepodunk

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