subject: Key Benefits Of Speaking To Insurance Brokers [print this page] More and more insurance companies offer you greater savings by cutting out the middle man, in this case the insurance broker, but have you thought about what you are losing in the way of services? With our life styles becoming ever-more fast-paced it is easy to think that quicker means better. But when it comes to buying an insurance policy, is not better to take your and sitting with someone who can help you understand what you are buying? The services of an insurance broker are varied and can save you a lot of time and hassle of having to navigate through the many intricate details of insurance policies and having to get separate quotes from many sources.
You get to deal with a real person instead of being passed from person to person in a call centre. Call centres agents can sometimes be very impersonal and it is very irritating to have to deal with someone new every time you call. Did you know that many companies cut costs by outsourcing there call centres to countries like India? There is nothing wrong with that, except that you sometimes have difficulties with language barriers or having to understand heavy accents.
You are dealing with someone who knows the insurance industry. He deals with many insurance companies on a daily basis and is an expert in his field. An independent insurance broker has a relationship with several insurance companies as opposed to an agent who just sells the products of the company he works for. They will carefully assess your needs and find the best product for you.
I am not sure if you have ever needed to make a claim against your insurance before, but insurance companies are notorious for taking their time to pay out claims. Your broker will help you with the claims process and if an insurance company is taking a long time to pay out a claim, the broker will take care of the correspondences with the insurance company for you. Brokers build a personal relationship with their clients and pride themselves in taking care of their clients. They understand the confusion and the stress when a loss has occurred and one has to settle a claim. So you can rest assured that when it comes time to make a claim against your insurance, the process will not be that stressful.
When it comes time to sign an insurance contract a broker can explain the fine print in detail. Some contracts are drawn up in such a way that some of the most important information for the client is cleverly hidden in the fine print. This can be very frustrating when, after a loss, you discover that you are not insured due to a clause that you did not understand at the time of signing. And of course the insurance company is covered because they can argue that it is not their fault that you never checked. A broker can explain everything you need to know so that there are no ugly surprises.
They have access to special rates not available to you and do a much better job at negotiating and if circumstances demand it they can even negotiate a tailor-made policy for you.
Key Benefits Of Speaking To Insurance Brokers
By: Afi Post
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