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subject: Synapseindia Offering Quality Services To A Global Clientele [print this page]

Among the most prominent reasons why businesses worldwide consider Synapse India as the first choice for outsourcing their key processes is the reputation the company enjoys in the global offshoring/ outsourcing arena. The company is well known for the quality of services among its clients based in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and other countries. It"s the quality of services that has made it a proud Microsoft Gold Certified partner and has helped it get the prestigious CMMI level-3 accreditation along with the reputed NASSCOM and FICCI certifications.

Launched by Shamit Khemka in 2000, the company caters to the diverse needs of various industry verticals encompassing Medicine and Healthcare, Sports and Recreation, Media and Entertainment, Law, Finance, Games, Web Design, Retail and Wholesale, Real Estate, and many more. The services offered by the company range from Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, PPC Management, and Brand Reputation Management to Flash Programming, iPhone Application Development, Website Design and Development, and Software Development etc.

SynapseIndia is the one stop destination for businesses seeking comprehensive and workable software solutions to boost their return on investment. Growing under the headship of Shamit, the company has been showing tremendous 100% growth since its inception. A true believer in achieving excellence through innovation, Shamit inspires his workers also to come up with innovative ideas.

Initially a set up of just a few employees and limited resources, the company has grown to a fully-fledged IT service provider with multiple units across the country. The company today boasts of more than 300 dedicated employees who are willing to go all out to deliver the best quality of services to the reputed clientele of the company. The positive atmosphere at the workplace is a key reason behind the high level of motivation that the employees feel.

The employees are always in high spirits and remain motivated to deliver their hundred percent to support the growth of the organization. Therefore, the company proves to be a paradise for the workers where they have all the opportunities to learn and grow in their respective fields of work. It"s the positivity at the workplace that"s a key factor behind the unremitting quality of services that the clients receive from this leading offshoring/ outsourcing service provider.

by: SynapseIndia

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