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subject: The Fatty Liver Solution - Fatty Liver Natural Treatment [print this page]

If you have a fatty liver definitely you are open to and most likely to have liver damage, cirrhosis of the liver and could even lead to your death. If you are thinking that medications and treatments are quite expensive in treating a fatty liver then do not mind it so much, for there are available fatty liver natural treatment.

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Yes a fatty liver can be cured with natural treatments and the use of herbs. So what are these natural treatments then? 1) For liver regeneration one can make use of ginger, turmeric, and artichoke and milk thistle. 2) Barberry which is taken is as a medication with about 400 mg daily as a supplement. 3) Dandelion is taken in tincture form and about 5-10 ml is advisable to be digested. 4) Gentian root can be taken as well daily to help the liver function properly; about 3-6 g per day is advised.

Since, obesity or being overweight is one of the leading causes of a fatty liver then try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Have an exercise routine to follow and have the determination to get rid of the excess weight that you have.

Try to eat more fruits and vegetables rather than consuming more fried and greasy food. See to it that you are able to check your meals every day. Eat healthy, if you can do away from fast foods, junk foods, meats and other foods containing Trans fat then please do.

Avoid taking in too much medication for this can further contribute to liver damage. Make a good use out of the above mentioned tips on fatty liver natural treatment. No need to worry that you cannot afford to cure and treat your fatty liver. Try out these natural treatments now and make your way to a healthy liver.

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The Fatty Liver Solution - Fatty Liver Natural Treatment

By: Ben Campbell

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