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subject: Fusion HQ Bonus Reviews [print this page]

I just wanted to answer a few of the questions that have been coming in over the last day by writing this article regarding exactly what Fusion can do. Primarily, it was originally built for creating sales funnels. That's the up sell and down sell processes that you often see in internet marketing.

One of the main problems with this, of course, is usually the amount of coding involved and the integration of different scripts such as your auto responders, your payment gateways, and uploading the information via FTP and what Fusion HQ does is simplify this entire system and make it as easy as drag and drop.

This allows you to actually edit a process and have it up and running in minutes rather than having to go back and forth between programmers or trying to edit scripts, etc. The sales flow system that Fusion HQ creates enables you to do exactly this. You can create auto responders, you can create exit pop ups, you can have up sells and down sells, you can create, product pages with protected download links, and all without knowing a single line of code. We then took Fusion HQ one step further and decided to create a site builder.

And the developers of Fusion HQ wanted to make it so that membership sites could easily be developed, again without any coding. This enables you to actually create, for example, a six month program, and have each month delivered, month by month, after the customer has signed up.

Fusion HQ Bonus Reviews

By: Maria Victoria Condecion

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