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subject: The Dream of Free Money [print this page]

No matter how smart and business savvy our society gets, there is still the dream of finding free money. How can business owners and other like-minded people fall for these sorts of fairy tale-like fancies? There actually are cases of people who have received "free" money, so these stories keep the hope alive that there is free money for the rest of us. Be wary of the sneaky snake oil hawkers claiming that their quite expensive books or seminars can have floods of free money coming your way. It is best to look for free money in the form of grants and inheritance funds for yourself, rather than using these books and seminars.

There are even individuals that you can hire to help you look for grants who charge a small fee, and depending on your business, there are non-profit organizations that can help you find grants for free. For instance, some agencies and companies that give small grants to businesses that decide to locate themselves in underdeveloped or struggling neighborhoods and areas to boost the local economy and generate jobs for the local population. There are grants available for female business owners, businesses owned by minorities, organizations designed to help individuals with impairments and various others. In terms of unclaimed inheritance money, there are cases when a relative passes and the next of kin is not notified or even aware that this person had money to pass on. These amounts are usually minor, but it exciting when they are found. When looking for unclaimed money, there are even people who can help you look for unclaimed inheritance who charge a percentage of the inheritance after you receive it. So there are ways to find free money without having to pay a small fortune up front. You might just have to do some research up front.

The Dream of Free Money

By: Jenny Maloy

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