subject: Free Social Bookmarking Mutually Benefiting Way To Share Web Resources [print this page] People are on to these social networking sites for various reasons. From providing a platform to locating long lost friends who might be registered users of Facebook, orkut or twitter or similar sites that bring people together to helping provide platforms for sharing and propagation of social thought, ideas and action at national and international levels through forums and discussion boards, social networking is gaining pace. And the new linkages that people create between themselves mostly to share thoughts and ideas of common interests and tastes sometimes pave way to long lasting and productive relationships.
The sudden spurt of interest in socialization on the internet among all has given rise to so many social networking sites on the net. One of the chief advantages of social networking is that people from diverse groups and backgrounds meet in a common place and share common interests over the net nullifying the physical distance between to users. The social networking idea has also permeated into the sphere of bookmarking, some thing we commonly do on our browser window to get back to the site or the page when ever later we want to.
As much as we are prone to create a clutter around us, we also clutter the computer we use. We make copies of the same file on multiple drives by mistake or create multiple folders under the same name in different drives, and so on and end up searching endlessly for it. The choices are endless.
For once, let use assume that computers were so designed that the user of the PC or laptop also had to manage the computers memory manually - think about the possibilities - it could be total unearthly chaos. That is why there are system tools like disk defragmenter that sets right the memory space in the disc drives and stacks it order by providing optimal space to the existing software and applications and by creating more space for new installations. Similarly, most internet users might also be in the habit of bookmarking the websites or adding to favorites, which also creates a clutter over a short period of time. And we usually end up searching the entire list of bookmarks to get to the one we want to. But with the advent of the new free social bookmarking sites, internet users have one thing less to worry about about how to manage or organize your bookmarks. Getting started is easy you can google search for free social bookmarking sites and find one of your choice just to get started and get a feel of things. You would be prompted to register with the free social bookmarking site and a tag icon would be added to your browser toolbar. What happen then is, every time you want to bookmark a page all you have to do click on the tag icon which will carry forward the link to your registered page on the free social bookmarking site. Say your tag is Macroeconomics and every time you add a similar link under the same tab, it gets arranged in order on your free social bookmarking page. As the free social bookmarking sites are in the public domain, any registered user or a non-registered user entering the free social bookmarking site to search for links related to macroeconomics is sure to come across all the links you had collected over a period of time under the same tag; similarly, with other titles, keywords and tags. Free social bookmarking is a very mutually benefiting way to share web resources.
by: Steven Kenneth
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