subject: Billings Poker Rooms - The River In Texas Holdem [print this page] Author: Hannah Ogden Author: Hannah Ogden
The river in Texas Holdem is the last community of card. You will not see the river card unless you have a strong hand that is a favorite to win or you have a draw to a winning hand. Once the river card is turned over, you know exactly what you have. Playing decisions on the river are easier than during other round but they do require some thought.
There are two mistakes that you can make when you get to the river. One is to call a losing bet, which will cost you the price of a bet. The other is to fold your hand, which will cost you all the money in the pot. To fold a hand is a far more costly mistake than merely calling a bet. If there is a slight chance you may have the winning hand you should call.
The pots can get very large in low limit games. Many times you will have a lot of players seeing the flop and many staying to see the turn. By the time the river card is dealt you will probably be getting the correct odds to call with any hand that has a possibility of winning.
If its your turn and you have a strong hand you should bet your hand if you are first to act. If you bet and the other player folds then they more than likely would have just checked if you had checked in an attempt to check raise. You should always look closely at the river card and try to determine how it could help someone's hand.
When you show your cards you are giving away valuable information to other players. Therefore, never show your hand if you dont have to. Let your opponent pay to see your hand. If there is a showdown dont throw your cards in the muck until the pot is pushed to you.