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subject: Things To Consider If A Potential Date Is Worth To Spend Your Money & Time With [print this page]

The whole world is desperate to find true love. As the popular songs sounds, 'All you need is love. "It's true: to love and be loved is probably the most important thing in our lives. But what to do if you are not sure - Love is in "a capital L," or just another temporary flirt?

Wondering if the person is one is right for you is a normal thing, especially if you meet that person through online dating sites and you have never met face to face.

But there are some things to consider, especially if she is miles away from you that can help you decide if that person is worth spending your money and time.

1. How long you know her?

If less than 4-6 months because two people met, their love may be only an illusion. Wait until you know each other better and talk online or by phone as you can to get some confidence and comfort in the relationship.

2. What you talk about?

You can find out more about it if you know their friends and family. You can talk to your friends online and try to let them know this. But if she does not say much about the people around her, this fact should make you suspicious of this woman. Are you embarrassed to talk in front of your friends or do you have something to hide for you?

3. Do you find attractive?

Does love depends on sex? I'm sure you already know the answer. Yes it does. How can you be complete without the love in the morning you are waking up in the arms of her lover after a passionate night hot?

So if you talk about it with your friends all the time and is already dreaming of her and even she has not touched a good point, this relationship may have a future, good.

4. Do you sincerely believe that you like her?

You may request an outside opinion to your best friend or a proof of it. Yes I know it's unfair, but all is fair in love and war. So I ask him to do some things for you.

When you are asking her these things have to be careful not to ask something too expensive, or something she could not even she wants. But be specific about the things we are asking and ask it in a courteous manner. If you see that she is trying as hard as she can do what they are asking for your time is yours.

by: Michael SeoVida Francis

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