subject: How To Find The Cheapest Honda Motorbike Insurance [print this page] Do you need an insurance policy for your Honda motorbike? Since the 1940s, Honda has been making an array of quality products, including cars, ATVs, and motorbikes. Many times we can't find what we need, because we're not looking in the right places.
If you want to find the cheapest Honda motorbike insurance, here are some tips to help you locate what you're looking for:
1. Choose a smaller and slower motorbike.
Size matters when searching for motorbike insurance. That includes a motorcycle's overall size and the size of its engine. You don't necessarily have to buy a moped. But if you're searching for cheap motorbike insurance, then you should consider a smaller bike with a smaller engine. It's a small sacrifice if it allows you to enjoy huge savings on your insurance premium.
2. Keep your driving record clean.
If you have points on your driving record, then your top priority should be to get them off of it. So before searching for a new motorbike insurance policy, it's crucial that you first get the points off your record. So even if you've had motoring offences in the past, today is the first day to ride down the road to cheaper premiums on Honda motorbike insurance.
3. Consider leaving your motorbike at home more often.
Motorbike insurers often give discounts on premiums, for those drivers who ride significantly less than normal. So consider factors such as how far you are from work and school. Is it feasible to walk or take public transportation to those locations? Choosing to do that will result in less time on your motorbike, but also more money in your wallet. So consider whether you're willing to make the sacrifice.
4. Get more driving experience.
The amount of motorbike driving experience you have can impact your premiums. So before searching for a new policy, make sure to get more driving experience under your belt. How much is enough? Whenever the information is available, learn how much driving experience you'd need before an insurer would significantly reduce your premium.
5. Don't over-insure your motorbike.
If your motorcycle is wrecked, you're only going to get the market value of the bike. So as a general rule you should avoid getting extra bells and whistles for your policy.
6. Shop around.
The more you do, the more likely you'll find the right policy for your needs. Shop online and offline, and shop at large and small companies.
7. Move to a low-crime area.
Where you live can also influence how much your premiums are. Even if you're the most responsible person in the world, if you live in a high-crime area, then statistics show that your motorbike is more likely to be stolen. Is moving to a safer neighbourhood not an option? If so, then you'll have to pay higher premiums, or consider a new mode of transportation.
If you have a Honda, then you'll need to get Honda motorbike insurance. These tips will help you to find the lowest rate possible. There are rock-bottom premiums available, but the question is - how low can you go?
by: Tom Jones
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