subject: Secret Ways You Can Save Money On Home Insurance [print this page] You probably know how important it is for you to have good insurance on your home. After all, your home is a huge investment and you need to protect that investment. The problem is that insurance can be so expensive.
During these tough economic times, everyone is looking for ways to cut back on spending. While you can't afford to drop your insurance, there are some ways to cut the price so it is more affordable. If you are ready to get a better deal, here is a look at some secret ways that you can save.
1 - Look for a Senior Discount
One of the secret ways that you can save on your home insurance is to look for a senior discount. In most cases, those who are over the age of 55 can qualify for these discounts, although the age can vary from company to company. Talk to the company you are using for your insurance. Ask about a senior discount. In many cases, you can save 10% on the cost of your premium, just because you are a senior.
2 - Quit the Smoking Habit
Another great secret to remember if you are ready to save on the insurance for your home is to quit the smoking habit. Many fires are attributed to smoking every single year. For this reason, many insurance companies will charge you more if there is a smoker in the home. If you smoke, you are probably paying more than you have to for your insurance. When you quit smoking, not only will it be a healthy choice, but it can save you money on your insurance as well, which definitely makes it worth it.
3 - Pay Up Front
Paying up front is another secret way you can save money on your home insurance. Although paying on a monthly basis may make it a bit easier for you, you'll end up paying more for this option. Insurers charge you interest on that money if you do not pay right away. When you pay off the entire premium up front, you will save a significant amount of money. Another option to consider is paying electronically. If you cannot afford to pay everything up front, often companies will give you a discount if you simply pay electronically each month.
4 - Improve Your Credit
Improving your credit is important as well. Although you may not realise it, companies do take a look at your credit when they are offering you a quote on this type of insurance. If you have bad credit, companies see you as a higher risk and raise your rates. Simply improving your credit can make a big difference. With good credit, companies are more likely to offer you low rates that are affordable to you.
Even during tough financial times, you can afford the home insurance you need. With these important points, you can find great ways to lower the amount you have to pay to keep your home insured.
by: Tom Jones
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