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subject: Young Skin [print this page]

If you are thinking to yourself that you would like to recapture some of your youth, then one of the first things you should be striving for is youthful skin.

Normal skin has no apparent signs of being oily or dry. Pimples and blemishes are uncommon and the pores are usually small and the skin smooth with a healthy, firm appearance.

The health of our skin is a direct reflection of what our diet is. By eating foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B complex, zinc and copper, you can really improve your complexion significantly.

The first commandment in any skin care treatment is to ensure that your skin gets all the moisture that it needs. Skin dryness or dehydration is the biggest cause of skin damage, so you must avoid it at all costs.

Hydrating you skin from within will keep it plump and firmer looking. Drinking at least 8 glasses or 2.5 litres of water a day also flushes out harmful toxins from the body.

When applying something on your face, it would be wise to go easy. Vigorously rubbing your skin will surely damage your elastin and collagen. Apply in an upward motion to prevent sagging.

Always apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going outdoors and reapply after a couple of hours if you must remain in the sun, but the better option is to go indoors.

A quick look would reveal to you the variety of skin care products that tout the one stop solution for clearer youthful skin.

The effectiveness of any product depends on a couple things. One is the effectiveness of the ingredients used in the product. The other is how well those ingredients address the major causes of aging skin.

Excessive exposure to the sun and pollution will damage your skin and accelerate its aging appearance - age spots, blotches, wrinkles, roughness, sagging.

Eat more fruits and vegetables. Take an antioxidant supplement, which should include up to 2000 mg of vitamin C.

Collagen and elastin are structural proteins in your skin. Collagen is more well-known and keeps your skin firm and tone.

Knowing the structure of the skin makes it clear why anti aging skin care supplements are essential for healthy and youthful looking skin.

An anti wrinkle cream that is made of natural extracts can do wonders to protect your skin and reduce wrinkles. To keep your skin young improve your lifestyle and use a good natural cream.

Active manuka honey is another proven organic ingredient. Honey, in general, has excellent restorative properties for skin, and active manuka honey is a particularly beneficial variety.

The best anti aging natural skin care products will contains one or more of each of these natural substances. They are all necessary for keeping your skin youthful and healthy.

Avocado oil- a rich and deeply penetrating oil with great healing and moisturizing properties for dryness and chapping.

Kaolin may be one of the most powerful cleansing skin care products on the market. When used in effective amounts, it's extremely cleansing and it pulls out dirt and grime from deep down in your skin.

by: garyhill

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