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Select The Best Travel Destination For Your Vacation

Wow! Incredible India, if you are planning to travel India first thing you should keep with yourself is a travel guide. It includes all the information about the country, weather, currency, transport, and famous sights. One should keep all this information handy and prepare themselves according to their needs. This will make you confident enough to travel such a vast country with so many cultures.

Proper and appropriate clothing should be kept in mind before stepping into India. Try light clothes, not short and skinny and always beware of your money since you will find many beggars across the country. But one thing good about India is people here is really helpful and respects their visitors.

Make sure to choose packed places if you go for dinner instead of empty ones. Always carry water bottle so that you dont have to run all over to kill your thirst. Much wonderful sightseeing you will come across so it is better to have a camera to capture those wonderful places. All good about India hope to see you soon.

Thailand is a most travelled country in south-east Asia. Since it is known for its hospitality, sacred temples, beautifulness and interesting spots like Phuket, Pataya and Bangkok it has liked by many travelers in the world. The scenic beauty of Thailand and the good nature of people there will win your heart. Best time to visit Thailand is February and March best time to visit beaches. The tickets are usually high in these peak seasons and to avoid this problem one should book them beforehand.

Food is available in various cuisines across the country so one should not get worried about it. Buy yourself a travelling guide and some useful books on each city of Thailand. All is good about Thailand too. Visit it once and you will find yourself at the best place in the world.

by: Tod Martin

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