subject: An Asset Search To Collect On Unpaid Child Support? [print this page] Any person that would like to recover child support that has been ignored for a long time, and they have not received a dime towards the support balance, can benefit a great deal by having an asset search investigation procedure performed. When a legal judgment has been put into place by a judge, which has named a specific person responsible for paying you a monthly support amount for a child or children, a beneficial investigation of this nature can give you the chance you have longed for to collect on the judgment. Sadly, there are more and more individuals every single year that end up having to consult with private investigators to perform these searches before they have what they need to claim the support that they deserve.
This may sound great, but you may still be wondering how this can be beneficial to you.
By sending an experienced investigator the name, address, telephone number, and the social security number of the individual you have been given a judgment against, they can perform a GLB compliant asset search investigation between one and seven days. After the asset search investigation has been completed, you will receive a complete report that includes any hidden funds, assets, and bank accounts that the individual may be hiding, in an attempt to avoid child support responsibility. To list some of the most common assets that are often found when an asset search investigation is performed would include the following:
Businesses they may own
Vehicles that are registered in their name
Any owned Real Estate
Trust Accounts that are set up in their name
Investments such as Mutual Funds, Stocks, and Bonds
Bank accounts, that include both checking and savings
Planes, Boats, Recreational Vehicles, and other such assets
When an expert investigator recovers such valuable information as the wide variety of assets that is listed above, it can make it a much easier and faster process for an individual to recover the child support that their children have been living without. When experienced investigators perform an asset search to recover incriminating evidence that can be obtained through this valuable type of GLB compliant investigation, all you will need to do is simply provide your attorney with the detailed report you have been supplied. This will give you and your attorney the ammunition that is needed to recover what is rightly due you and your innocent children.
Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman
by: Ed Opperman
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