subject: South Africa 2010 Is Here [print this page] HOSTING THE 19TH WORLD CUP HOSTING THE 19TH WORLD CUP
Many are waiting to verify their thrilling expectations of what its going to be like to host this grand tournament once again in Africa, and in South Africa. South Africa has responded to the high expectations of many around the world by putting into place the many social infracstructures needed to take the game beyond the game. People will meet with the natural beauty as well as the technological, human centered advancement of South Africa. South Africa is known for her boldness through her past leaders like Nelson Mandela and it has demonstrated her boldness once again by rising to the challenge of hosting the WORLD this year.
ACCOMMODATION Hotels and diverse lodgements are available to hold the different fans all around the world. Since the world of soccer isn't complete without the fans , it will be a great mistake on the part of this noble country not to provide enough accommodation. But, South Africa has settled that already.
Fans will have a swell time in South Africa 2010. What are you waiting for? Let's move! or you just watch on your TV? Just be a part of it.
One other prominent issue is transportation all around the country. There are shuttles all over the place for as many people as are coming in as guests or fans of their country. Be sure to have directions from the citizens because they are expecting you. The comfortability of the tranportation is of international standard and so we're not missing anything even if we come in from Dubai, America, England and other dominant countries. We'll all feel at home in South Africa.
South Africa has a diverse diet. The common diet includes beef, green vegetables, pumpkins, mutton, a variety of curries, and staples such as rice and potatoes. The common beverages are wine, tea, coffee, bear and soft drinks. Many South Africans, however, especially those in the rural areas, eat pap, which is also known as maize meal porridge which is sometimes cooked with vegetables and meat. They also have some evening meals like braaivles, or barbecue which is a common weekend event with the delicious boerewors also known as beef and pork sausage. Besides all these, are vegetables and fresh fruits that are in their abundance. These are sold by farmers from roadside stalls.
They also have biltong, which is dried, spiced meat, a common snack among the Afrikaaners. All that makes South Africa will make the TOURNAMENT AN ORNAMENTAL TOUR
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