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subject: Is Day Trading Robot Worth It? This Review Weighs In [print this page]

Day Trading Robot has gotten mixed reviews depending on who you ask in the months since it became available to everyday traders. The idea of a program which delivers profitable and high probability cheap stock picks can make you a great deal of money in the short term, so I decided to test it first hand to get a better idea of how much of the hype is real and how much is devised to influence your purchase decision.

The truth is, it does purely because of the guaranteed science behind how it works. Each day, this system connects to the net to access the latest broker/stock reports. Once it has this information, it organizes all of the different stocks into different charts and from there scans these charts for profitable opportunities which stand out. It does this using complex mathematical algorithms inherent in the software. These algorithms are tweaked long in advance before the program is released to ensure that it delivers a long history of profitable picks.

Once Day Trading Robot has made its picks, it emails you this information, including what stocks to trade and at what prices. From there all you've got to do is make the necessary moves. What sets this system apart is that it is more responsive than other stock picking programs. It's ideal for day trading this way because it can tell you when to buy, but just as importantly, when to sell. This is all in the same day period.

No other day trading program today is nearly as reliable this way and while they would have you hemorrhaging profits, Day Trading Robot advises you at the earliest indication, allowing you to maximize your profits but just as importantly to minimize your losses.

by: Jonathan Langley

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