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subject: How To Start Saving Money With Coupons? [print this page]

Voucher websites are sites listing coupon codes that offer the user a discount for products or services. Everyone has seen the grocery coupons in the local newspaper that are reduction vouchers for the local businesses. The Net make it possible to benefit from electronic coupon codes that are used to save money when buying online a product or a service from any country.

Some coupon sites are very general with a collection of discount codes for almost all categories. Others may be more specific on a particular topic like travel, fashion, electronic, jewelry or shoes. Some are accessible through memberships and a free account has to be set up in order to take advantage of the discounts in the website. A lot have a new coupon alert subscription or a newsletter to keep members informed of new offers.

How to identify these coupon websites? A quick search in Google will show a list of excellent coupon websites and using one or the other is just a personal choice as none of them has the same collection of coupons. If they have the same stores in their database they might have the same coupons but with different discount amounts or expiration dates.

A very favored area of coupon sites is the exclusive coupon page, which normally has hot discounts with special offers and no expiration date. An exclusive voucher code can't be obtained anywhere else on the Internet, but the same reduction at the same online merchant may be available in other sites. It is improbable to see a better offer than an exclusive coupon, so why searching further?

For people who always buy the same things online, like books or music, it is a good idea to identify a couple of specialized sites with voucher codes for those products. It will be painless to identify which one has the best offer just before an acquisition. Most of the coupon sites also have a search box to make it easier to search for a particular product or the best offers.

A number of coupon websites are area specific and have printable vouchers that can be redeemed at local stores. A Boston coupon site will list the regular stores or service businesses in Boston that have issued vouchers. Printable grocery coupons are very popular and can be used only in specific locations as the purchase is made at the local grocery store.

Restaurants are good examples where the service has to be consumed on location and cannot be sent by post. But some online stores will issue voucher off line and online and give the option to purchase the product at the retail outlet or through the store's site.

Coupon sites not only stimulate e-commerce but also regular businesses as every one find his advantage, the merchant gets new or repeated customers while the consumer shops and saves money in researching the best offer on the Internet. It is a win-win situation for all.

by: Michel Gerard

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