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subject: I Need Urgent Financial Help And I Can't Get Up! [print this page]

It is quite common now days to get deeply in debt with seemingly no way out of the financial distress (we usually bring on ourselves). Well help is apparently everywhere or you would be led to believe it is. Advertisements on the internet and on bill boards around town suggest help is readily available and even the government will supposedly step in to provide assistance. Read the fine print though and you will find it's not all that easy to dig out from under when you need urgent financial help.

Learning the hard lessons our parents tried to teach us

My parents and grand parents did not have the such finance related difficulties my generation seems to be immersed in. For one thing they did not borrow up to their eyeballs, nor did they have ten credit cards, all charged up to the maximum amount. If they needed things, they saved up and paid cash for them. Items they wanted but did not necessarily need were most often passed up altogether. In other words those financially wise people did without rather than go in debt. In all fairness to my generation though, that older group did not have the opportunities we now have to get in debt to the point of needing urgent financial help.

Credit is way too easy to get, too difficult to get rid of

Look around college and university campuses and you will find recruiters offering finance aid and credit cards to students who are at least eighteen years of age. They start them out young with offers of monetary assistance all students seem to need. Young married couples have lots of needs as they begin their new lives together. Furniture, a new home, cooking utensils, bedding, lawn mowers, and even a new or second car are but a small portion of the items many find necessary to make a comfortable home together. Financing is easily obtainable and before long the newlywed couple will find they are in need of urgent financial help.

Help is near but beware of the cost

Whether the one in financial distress is a single mom, elderly on fixed income, out of work, or on the verge of filing bankruptcy there is help to be found. Many financial experts even offer their assistance for free to those who have need for urgent financial help. But many businesses who provide ways to pay down bills or refinance homes also charge stiff fees for their services. The business of debt consolidation is popular with many who have found themselves deeply in debt to many creditors and find their financial future in peril. The financial experts who can prove most helpful will work with the banks and other lenders to lower payments and interest charges, enabling the borrowers to meet their financial obligations. The urgent financial help they find will keep them from filing bankruptcy and ruining their credit rating forever.

by: Tony Philip

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