subject: Celebrity Breast Implants [print this page] Nicole Kidman has been taken over by space aliens. It appears that she really did fall victim to possession in "The Invasion" her universally-panned and underrated 2007 film co-starring Daniel Craig. In the film she plays a mother and psychologist trying to elude the pursuit of humans possessed by alien beings devoid of emotion.
It seems that the older women in the entertainment industry get the more pressure they feel to succumb to the cosmetic surgeon's scalpel. Cosmetic Surgery is the siren whose call few women can resist and this begs the question: Why do so many beautiful women fall prey to this artificial need to live up to an impossible standard of beauty that can never be achieved? The more botox injections, rhinoplasties, and breast augmentations women like Nicole Kidman choose to undergo, the more they end up looking like a meta-human porcelain doll simulacrum that approaches the junk feminine ideal: slim waist, no wrinkles, big breasts, and blondenss only to an untrained eye and the further they get from the truth of beauty and seduction: that the erotic imagination feeds on what is implied, hidden, and promised more than what is exposed.
Cosmetic surgeries like breast augmentation betray an insecurity and as everybody knows, insecurity is not sexy. Power, confidence, and mysterious sexuality are the ultimate attractors. No amount of surgical intervention will change this. But perhaps the issue is not erotic appeal or seduction, but rather, conforming to a code of fantasy written by middle corporate white, middle age American notions of feminine beauty?
Perhaps the appeal of self-surgical enhancement is the will to control one's own appearance and defy time and nature in the process. Cosmetic Surgery for the purpose of changing one's appearance is the ultimate resort to playing God and defying God, or the gods, in the process. It is the ultimate fusion of vanity and pride, an act of defiance and a repudiation of any divine being.
What makes the issue of cosmetic surgery so frustrating is that the majority of actresses and celebrities who choose cosmetic surgery do so unnecessarily. There is something to be said for the cliches of aging gracefully and true beauty coming from within.
by: Apollo Theou
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