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subject: Baby Thank You Card and Thank You Baby Cards [print this page]

Author: Sarah Porter
Author: Sarah Porter

Baby Thank You Cards for New Baby Thank Yous After you've celebrated the arrival of your new arrival and sent birth announcements to family and friends, you'll probably need to get started sending out Baby Thank You Cards, to everyone who was kind enough to bring you and the little one gifts. However, when you send Baby Thank You Cards, keep a few things in mind. The Photo Birth Announcements First, you should always remember that simply sending out unique baby announcements doesn't require everyone who receives one to purchase a gift. However, many recipients will do just this. Make sure you plan ahead and purchase thank you baby cards at the same time. These stationary items should be similar in theme, too. For example, if you purchase thank you notes decorated with rocking horses try to find a birth announcement with a similar design. When you are trying to decide how many of the birth cards to get, remember that you'll need one baby birth card for every close friend, family member, and other individual who would like to share in your wonderful news. Of course, you won't need the same amount of baby thank you card. Consider only buying half or three-fourths as many. For example, if you purchase 40 announcements you might only need 20 to 30 appreciation cards. Although you could get equal amounts in case your recipients are feeling particularly generous. Baby Thank You Card Words When you send out baby invitations thank you cards for your new arrival, you'll want to still follow some general etiquette rules. For example, don't wait longer than two weeks to get those baby thank yous in the mailbox. Any longer and you'll make recipients think their presents didn't really matter all that much. Also, make sure you add your own custom Baby Thank You Cards, to each one. You want to personalize the cards by saying something like "Thank you so much for the gift card. We've already started buying little Sophie a whole new wardrobe" or "Little Jake is never as content as when he's playing in the playpen you purchased for us. Thank you so much for your generous gift!" If you're sending the baby thank you card, there are some people who should receive one even if they didn't buy a gift. Your babysitter who stayed late with your other children while you were at the hospital. Your aunt who brought over the casserole so you wouldn't have to cook for a few days. The nurse who was especially kind to you during your hospital stay. These people all deserve to know you appreciate their efforts, too. When you send Baby Thank You Cards,, make sure to choose ones that have your message printed inside them to save you time. Remember this is one of the best reasons to send out special notes to the people. The important thing to keep in mind is that advanced planning and careful choices are the keys to being happy with your results.About the Author:

Sarah Porter has written several articles about Custom Thank You Baby Cards, Online Baby Thank You Card, Printable Birth Announcements, Unique Announcing New Baby, Discount Baby Announcement Cards, Personalized Pregnancy Announcement and and

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