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subject: How to Sell Your Property in a Down Economy [print this page]

Author: Maria Pascual
Author: Maria Pascual

In a down economy where number of foreclosures is climbing so fast, selling your home is a very big challenge. In recent news, San Jose metropolitan area now has the highest foreclosure rate thus devaluation of property values in the area. Here are points that you could use to guide you in selling your house or property: Make sure that your house is in good condition. Inspect for damages and do all the necessary fixing. Damages will just decrease the value of your house. Obtaining a professional home inspectors report could be helpful. A good location is a property thats near to everything that a buyer needs. List everything like near marketplace, near school, near hospital, near police station, etc. Make your property pleasing to the eyes. If your house is in a show, an extra effort to decorate it inside or out wont hurt. Know your target market. Keeping in mind that a big family need big space helps in targeting the right buyer for your property. Leverage the power of the internet. Post your property for sale in appropriate websites. If your property is in San Jose, make sure to list your house for sale in San Jose buying guides or directories, communities etc. Make sure to upload a presentable image of your house to attract buyers. Seek help from a real estate or property manager. Property managers are responsible in maintaining the selling value of a property and seeking their advice will help you avoid selling your house at a favorable price. If you are living in San Jose, make sure that you are working with a licensed San Jose property manager. About the Author:

Maria Pascual is the PR Writer of Property Management Network, a network of property management companies provided for property owners and property managers that provides a comprehensive city-wide directory of property management companies. To search for property managers in San Jose, please visit

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