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subject: How To Use Usps To Create Postcards To Mail To Potential Sellers [print this page]


One of the things you've got to spend some time on is what's called mapping. Make sure you do this correctly. When they upload it they pretend they know where the Mr. goes and where the first and last name and all that end. Make sure that the columns that they assume match up properly with the appropriate columns. If it's the first name at the top, then it should say First Name.

One of the mistakes I made many years back was I did not pay attention to that. Somehow it got screwed up where the street was the last name or something like that. Anyway somehow it got all screwed up and I sent out 500 postcards and every single one of them came back to me because I screwed up the mapping. I had the street being the person's last name or something, so everything single postcards I sent out came back to me.

Take some time here and make sure that the mapping is right. Make sure that the street is the street and the number of the street is right. Make sure the town is the appropriate town. Make sure that everything lines up properly or the addresses will not be formatted properly or you will have wasted a lot of money.


The next step is they are going to ask you to proof it. That means you are going to have to sign off that the formatting, spelling and all that is correct. Obviously take your time here. Think about things. Read it, proof it and print it out if you have to.

Double check it and maybe even have somebody else in your house double check it. Make sure you have no spelling mistakes. Test the phone numbers and websites. Do not send a card out with the wrong phone number or again you've just wasted all of your money.

How do I know that? I did it. I've made these mistakes. Back to our time is money kind of thing. I've made these mistakes. I sent out a whole batch of postcards with the wrong phone number. I've learned. So take your time. Ultimately you have to proof it and okay it.


The last slide is where you pay. I believe they accept all major credit cards and they will give you the price. What you will find is that the postage for the small cards is typically 23 cents. It will cost them about 10 cents per card to prepare the postcard. You have 23 cents plus 10 cents so probably the minimum you're ever going to get away with is around 33 cents.

You can do a couple of things to shave a few pennies off of there. If you add the second side it will add a few cents per card. If you add any color it's going to add a few cents per card and obviously the price per card continues to go up from there. Basically it's going to cost about 10 cents to prepare the postcard and 23 cents for the first class postage.

by: Michel Lautensack

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