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subject: Making Your Smile All That It Can Be - The Truth Behind Cosmetic Dentistry [print this page]

A dentist can offer you much more than an annual cleaning and the occasional drilling. There are many treatments and procedures which these trained professionals handle. Among those is cosmetic dentistry. This has become a far more common field of interest for the public in recent times as people become increasingly concerned with how the world views their smiles. Some cosmetic dentistry does provide restoration, but in many cases it is purely done to improve the way a person feels about him- or herself.

Following the Trends

For instance, there has been a new trend in dentistry to use natural tooth colored materials to repair and fill teeth. This provides a consistent, uniform look to the smile and prevents the unsightly dark spots left by traditional reparative materials. Similarly, many of the procedures done today are done in a way the preserves as much of the natural tooth as possible and provides the most comfort that can be afforded. Lasers, for instance make cosmetic dental work far less awkward for the patient than traditional tools. They also reduce recovery times.

Cosmetic Treatments

There are many dental procedures that are considered cosmetic. Included in the list are Inlays, Composite Bonding, Teeth Whitening, Dental Veneers, Implants, Smile Makeovers, and Mouth Reconstruction. Each has its own purpose and can assist in the goal of a gorgeous grin.

Inlays (or Onlays) are crafted as alternatives to traditional fillings. They are created ahead of time and then affixed to the patient's tooth in the office.

Composite Bonding is meant to correct broken or discolored teeth. It can be used to cover and repair decaying teeth as well. The material- tooth-colored- is placed into the cavity of over the surface of the tooth, then shaped to match the natural form. A high-intensity light is used to harden it so that it remains the desired shape and in the desired location.

Teeth Whitening is very common and pretty self-explanatory. A gel with a high concentration of peroxide is applied to the teeth under special lighting. This process bleaches the teeth and gives them a clean and shiny appeal.

Dental Veneers are another way to address cracks, chips, or broken teeth. Crafted of porcelain, they can also be used to cover highly discolored teeth and to correct large gaps between teeth. They affixed with a high grade dental adhesive.

Implants are artificial replacements for missing teeth. They are formed to match the tooth, root and all and can provide a healthier smile and prevent facial collapse, which can occur when teeth are missing.

A Smile Makeover is any combination of the procedures mentioned above to create the desired effects. It is a term designated for those that require work on several teeth and in a variety of ways in order to improve their smile.

Finally, Full Mouth Reconstruction is a step above a smile makeover. It is the term used when a dentist must address structural issues with teeth- such as improper bite, or faulty bone structure- which can be repaired with a variety of treatments including cosmetic and restorative.

by: Roger Ubik

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