subject: Get Auto Insurance Low Down Payment And Drive Away Without Worry [print this page] After saving and being frugal with expenses you have enough to get a new or used automobile. After finally finding the car that you want it only requires insurance coverage to be driven off the lot. Money is tight in the present economy. Between the expected payment on a policy and the interest on the car loan there is going to be little left for dinner. But the time for excuses has past and you need auto insurance low down payment policy options. It is time to shop around and see if there is any way to save money and get your vehicle on the road.
How about monthly payments?
Yes there are companies that offer monthly payment arrangements. Pay month to month and the policy will stay in effect as long as the payments are made in a timely manner. Instead of a large down payment the entire policy cost is divided by the number of months and the down payment is the first bill received. If you are on a budget or simply unable to handle any large cash payments at the current time then there are advantages.
If you move or decide to change companies the time that would ordinarily be spent waiting for a refund is no longer a consideration. The policy covers the entire period taken but because you are paying monthly as opposed to paying for the entire policy up front a refund is not necessary.
There will be a processing fee added even for monthly payments.
Of course the convenience of paying monthly will be accompanied by a fee added to each payment for the month. While a minimal amount it needs to be computed over the length of the coverage to see the end result. If total price including the fees is more important than the first month as payment to get the car in transit look for another option.
What to do next the reality of the situation.
Low cost insurance is the best way to get low payments whether you use a monthly option or prefer a percentage of total policy up front followed by monthly payments. It will take a little time to evaluate the information in regard to your financial situation. Do comparison shopping and get the best rate then apply the method to compute the down payment that works best for you either monthly or a percentage.
by: Lance Thorington
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