subject: Finding Out How Much Is Car Insurance For A 16 Year Old [print this page] A big question that youngsters ask themselves is how much is car insurance for a 16 year old? The reality is that teenagers pay more for insurance due to their lack of experience behind the wheel.
Numerous insurance companies exist whereby you can obtain a favorable quote, you will however need to shop around. In most cases, the insurance company will require your social security number and your drivers license.
In all states of America, the law categorically states that at as a bare minimum the driver must have at least liability coverage. The other rules that govern insurance may differ for teenagers from state to state.
Teenage drivers that are looking for insurance should be up to date with the various laws in each state. Some states will require that the driver have personal injury protection (PIP) and uninsured motorist cover.
Although the law may have minimums that are not sufficient, it is wise to cover yourself adequately. The reason for this is that at claim time you want to be paid out in full.
Data that insurers collate and then use to determine premiums, dictates that male teenagers should pay more than female teenagers should.
There are other reasons besides their sex that males pay higher premiums. Inexperience dictates that they are more likely to have accidents. They are also less likely to distinguish dangerous situations. They may also be more inclined to play down hazardous scenarios.
Actuaries have provided statistics that show male teenage drivers, to be responsible for one third, of the expense of injuries due to accidents on the road each year.
At age 16, these youngsters are unable to sign any documents. This includes insurance contracts. For this reason, most young drivers will get coverage by being insured on their parents policy. At age eighteen they can then move off this schedule and by their own policy.
A teenager added as an occasional driver of the family car, will pay less than if he or she is covered for driving his or her own car.
This option however is not that cheap. In most cases, the insurance premium will double. This demonstrates the risk young drivers present.
Families make a huge mistake by trying to add the teen driver as an occasional driver when he is actually the primary driver. They may even not insure the driver at all. These two lies may work until there is a claim. At this point the insurer is within it is right to repudiate the claim. To how much is car insurance for a 16 year old, contact your nearest insurance office.
by: Lance Thorington
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