subject: Hand Sanitizer In The Summer [print this page] We all associate the summer time with some of the best days of the year. This includes going to the beach, having barbecues and gatherings, going away and enjoying time with our families. The last thing we want to be confronted with in such a joyous season is illness. That's why it's important to put measurements in place to fight the spread of germs. A very common and accepted means to do this is through the use of hand sanitizer.
Germs don't go away on vacation over the summer and people should be even more vigilant about maintaining a clean and healthy home. More people become ill during the summer from germs that originate from food due to the heat, than any other season during the year. Germs also spread easily through contact with surfaces such as the refrigerator, microwave, handles and more.
Some of the solutions for protecting yourself and your family during these hot summer months are to use anti-bacterial products and especially hand sanitizer. You should also wash your hands and your kids hands as frequently as possible and especially after contact with surfaces. Refrain from touching your eyes, nose and putting your hands in your mouth. The use of sanitizing products can be especially important because alcohol based sanitizer has been proven to kill 99.9% of germs that lead to common illness.
According to the FDA, these sanitizing products should be used as an alternative to washing your hands. They come in gels, foam or liquid. They are more effective in killing germs than washing with soap and water. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that it is used when hands are not visibly soiled or dirty. Otherwise, it will just be pushing the dirt around instead of sanitizing the hands.
However, when it comes to the dangers of using these products you should be aware that the product does contain alcohol. Because of that reason it should not be exposed to excessive heat or flame. When using hand sanitizer in the summer, it's important to keep that in mind.
by: Rachel Smith
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